Many special keepsake memory books are stored out of reach of children in a safe place but are often forgotten about...
So you can now personalise one of our Nursery Times crinkly cloth newspapers which everyone can enjoy, every day!
The perfect memory book gift for a baby's first year. It's light, washable and easy for babies to hold and they can engage and familiarise themselves with the photos of themselves and family members and favourite things.
These cloth books can also provide some reassurance for toddlers who are attending nursery for the first time, children being welcomed into their new family settings and for children or young adults with additional needs (including a title change eg: Golden times).
The template example show below is just suggestions so just let us know what you would like and we can change the words and illustrations to suit.
Select 15 of your favourite photos and details and email them to us along with your payment.
Then leave the rest to us...
We will combine your photos with illustrated icons and simple text. The design will be emailed to you to check and then sent to print onto a similar fabric to the main range of titles, complete with crinkle-filled pages. Each newspaper will be packed in one of the card envelopes. Easy to send in the post using a large letter stamp.
You can change words and phrases keeping text minimal so that the size of the text is nice and big and bold for a young child/sibling to read.
Please allow approximately four weeks turnaround (especially busier times in November /December). It is often produced and recieved well within this time frame.
Note: We use colours to compliment the photos where possible. We do our best to stitch the books together to a safe and acceptable standard matching our core range as closely as possible.
Price: £45.00
Add £2.50 postage standard delivery
Add 3.99 tracked
Approx size: 25mm x 30mm
Washable polyester fabric, similar to that
used in our core range. 6 pages with CE-tested crinkly fill plastic.
Email for more details:

Select your photos
Please ensure the photos are of good quality for best results.
Front Cover: 2 x best photos
Text: Name, dates, times etc.
Back Cover: 3 x photos
Text: Favourite things
Here are a few suggestions:
Page 1: 3 x photos
Text: Family and Pets
Page 2: 3 x photos
Text: ... more family
Here are a few examples:
Mummy & Daddy
Mummy & mummy
Daddy & Daddy
My new family
Sister/step sister
Foster mum

Page 3: 2 x photos
Text: Baby's Firsts
Page 4: 2 x photos
Text: Special Occasions
Here are a few suggestions:
Scan image
Day trips
All Celebrations (we will match illustrations to suit):
Xmas, Diwali, naming ceremony etc.